Grahanila Calculator

The Grahanila Calculator uses Tamil Astrology Calendar software to find the Current Planetary Positions of all nine Grahas for any date and time for free.

Important *

Planetary position calculator offered by Tamilsonline enables you to find the grahanila of all nine grahas such as sani, suryan, chandran, chevvai, buthan, guru, sukran, rahu and kethu, online.

In Tamil and Malayalam astrology, planetary position calculations are based on sidereal astrology.

Grahanila calculator finds the current planetary positions of all nine grahas, and also find the planet positions for today or other given time and date free

Planetary positions can be calculated by using methods known as surya siddhantha Panchangam and Thiru Kanitha Panchangam.

The surya siddhantha panchangam method is used for shastric activities, whereas Ganitha panchangam or Thiru Kanitha Panchangam method widely used for almost all purposes and believed to be more accurate.

Grahanila online

Tamil sidereal astrology charts are known as grahanila, graha amaippu and graha sthanam. Tamilsonline offers free grahanila online for horoscope matching and prediction.

Tamil astrology considers angular positions of planets and shadow planets are essential for preparing the Horoscope for predictions.

Find out the Grahanila or current Planetary positions based on sidereal zodiac system of Tamil astrology, FREE, online.

Enter the details and find out the Grahanila or current Planetary positions based on a sidereal zodiac system of Tamil astrology, FREE, online.

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